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Tištěná kniha

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Bez hodnocení

Tištěná kniha - vázaná s laminovaným potahem

rok vydání 2017



274 Kč

Běžná cena 277 Kč

Ušetříte 3 Kč



O knize

In this brand-new festive title, part of her hugely popular ongoing series of hilarious gift books, Cath Tate, doyenne of the comedy greetings card, takes on Christmas and everything that goes with it: frantic last-minute shopping, unwanted presents, ridiculous amounts of food and alcohol, and the annual strain of just...
In this brand-new festive title, part of her hugely popular ongoing series of hilarious gift books, Cath Tate, doyenne of the comedy greetings card, takes on Christmas and everything that goes with it: frantic last-minute shopping, unwanted presents, ridiculous amounts of food and alcohol, and the annual strain of just trying to get on...
In this brand-new festive title, part of her hugely popular ongoing series of hilarious gift books, Cath Tate, doyenne of the comedy greetings card, takes on Christmas and everything that goes with it: frantic last-minute shopping, unwanted presents, ridiculous amounts of food and alcohol, and the annual strain of just trying to get on with our families.

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