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Tištěná kniha

Bez hodnocení


Bez hodnocení

Tištěná kniha - vázaná s laminovaným potahem

rok vydání 2010



124 Kč

Běžná cena 129 Kč

Ušetříte 5 Kč



O knize

In Pasta, hungry and impatient gourmets will fi nd more than 50 delicious fresh or dry pasta dishes, all within the reach of the keen cook, many achievable within minutes. Pasta's huge variety of shapes, textures, colors, and flavors make it the ideal ingredient for starters, salads, main courses with meat, seafood, or...
In Pasta, hungry and impatient gourmets will fi nd more than 50 delicious fresh or dry pasta dishes, all within the reach of the keen cook, many achievable within minutes. Pasta's huge variety of shapes, textures, colors, and flavors make it the ideal ingredient for starters, salads, main courses with meat, seafood, or vegetables—and even...
In Pasta, hungry and impatient gourmets will fi nd more than 50 delicious fresh or dry pasta dishes, all within the reach of the keen cook, many achievable within minutes. Pasta's huge variety of shapes, textures, colors, and flavors make it the ideal ingredient for starters, salads, main courses with meat, seafood, or vegetables—and even desserts (ravioli filled with chocolate!). Lasagne, ravioli, or spaghetti are part of our everyday life, and this cookbook will prove indispensable for all those who love unfussy yet utterly delicious food.

Více od autora:

Valéry Drouet

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